3D-Animation of our facility Croebern

After completion the facility will treat 42,000 tons of biowaste per year. In the first process step biogas is produced in ten Herhof dry fermentation boxes. Afterwards the digestate is treated in eight Herhof rotting boxes for intensive composting.

Video clip of the Heppenheim plant

Check out our video clip of the Heppenheim plant, to have a detailed insight in the process steps of our biogas and composting technology combined in one facility.

-> Watch video

Visit of District Administrator Wiedemann to the Buchstein composting plant

At start of the trial operation, District Administrator Florian Wiedemann visited the new composting plant on Buchstein (Bayreuth district) and was enthusiastic about the Herhof technology: “What is created here is impressive. We are up to date with this building, work efficiently and ecologically. The new composting plant is an investment in the future. "

A total of around 10.5 million euros will flow into the new composting plant in Bayreuth, which will treat 14,000 t / a of organic waste from the region.

360-degree tour with interactive hotspots

The operator of the biogas plant in Heppenheim has provided photo access to all outdoor and indoor areas, so that they can be compiled into a 360° tour.
Check out the results and get to know this plant right away.


-> Virtual tour

Cornerstone laid in Cröbern

Biowaste is turned into compost and energy.

The city and rural district of Leipzig have laid the cornerstone for a state-of-the-art recycling plant at the Cröbern waste disposal site.


The changing view of the Dörpen biowaste treatment plan

On June 1, 2021, we engaged the drone flight team of hoechstcreativ gmbh to show off our biowaste treatment plant with distinctive imagery.

Take a look to get an impression of our plant from a unique perspective that you don’t normally see: from above, outside, at a distance.
And even a flight through the stalls. These are exciting new perspectives: looking at the world from above. The wheel loaders and buildings look like toys. It is always surprising and fascinating to see how aerial images captivate the viewer.

The view from above gives our location distinctive imagery.


-> Virtual Tour

Contact details

Herhof GmbH
Kalkgraben 2
35606 Solms – Germany

Fon: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 233
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


-> www.ellaktor.com

-> www.helector.com

About us

As fossil energy resources become ever scarcer, Herhof technologies present an excellent economic and ecological alternative. We support ecological equilibrium by returning resources to the cycle of nature.