Waste to energy

Energy generation from waste and residual materials.

By the term waste to energy, we mean recycling of energy from waste and residual material.

Household and industrial waste as well as biomass is suitable for the process.


The new EC guideline

The new EC guideline 1999/31/EC was already put into national law in Germany in June 2005. This made the subject waste to energy become more important. Ever since then, only pre-processed waste such as residual material from waste incineration or from waste fermentation can be disposed of permanently in landfill sites. For communities and business establishments which produce huge quantities of waste, the need to look for alternative possibilities of disposal created a big challenge.

From Energy recovery from waste ...

… there are now a few thermal processes for waste treatment. They all have the aim of extracting energy from residual material. The quality however depends on the respective flexibility and energy efficiency.

With the Herhof Stabilat® ...

... we produce a storable substitute fuel that can be used in a flexible manner both temporally and spatially. Always and anywhere where energy is needed.


Herhof is working on procedures to produce gas, methanol or even hydrogen from Stabilat®.

We are now already developing the technologies for energy production of tomorrow!

The process that extracts the largest amount of energy from waste provides the highest quality. By doubling the calorific value of Stabilat® in the Herhof Stabilat® process, high energy exploitation is guaranteed on a long term because we do not burn any water and we first of all remove all incombustible matter for positive use.

The result is high energy recovery from renewable resources. Since we are substituting fossil fuels, we also spare ourselves the atmospheric killer CO2. This makes Herhof’s Stabilat® process an unique waste to energy process that refines waste to energy with the highest standard of quality.

The Herhof Stabilat®-process...

... is an unique waste to energy process that refines waste to energy with the highest standard of quality.

The result is high energy recovery from renewable resources. Since we are substituting fossil fuels, we also spare ourselves the atmospheric killer CO2.

Three alternative processes are under consideration for the remaining residual matter:

  1. Conventional MBT (...)
  2. MBT with fermentation (...)
  3. Mechanical biological stabilisation plant (MBS) with drying of the entire input in a short composting period, mechanical separation of the dried waste into one or two secondary fuel fractions, metals and inert chemicals if necessary.?(...)

We can proceed on the assumption that MBS will gain acceptance – under the premise of not dumping any more residual waste.(...).

Excerpt from: Status report on the contribution of the waste industry towards climate protection and feasible potentials by the Öko Institut e.V. und ifeu Heidelberg GmbH (Institute for Applied Ecology), Aug. 2005, commissioned by the Federal Environment Office


The storage of untreated household waste in municipal landfills should end as soon as possible...
Until 2020 at the latest, the treatment techniques are supposed to be so advanced and developed that all municipal landfills in Germany will be utilised to the fullest and in an environmental-friendly way.

Excerpt from the design paper of the Federal Environment Office

Contact details

Herhof GmbH
Kalkgraben 2
35606 Solms – Germany

Fon: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 233
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


-> www.ellaktor.com

-> www.helector.com

About us

As fossil energy resources become ever scarcer, Herhof technologies present an excellent economic and ecological alternative. We support ecological equilibrium by returning resources to the cycle of nature.