Opening ceremony of biomass plant in Croebern
Festive commissioning of the compost and energy plant in Croebern: From left to right: A. Marschetzky (FBU), A. Stascheit (FBU), M. Witzstrock (Herhof GmbH), R. Oetjen-Dehne (u.e.c. berlin), Bernd Beyer (WEV). H. Graichen (Landrat Landkreis Leipzig), Heiko Rosenthal (Bürgermeister und Beigeordneter der Stadt Leipzig für Umwelt, Klima, Ordnung und Sport), A. Albrecht (ZAW) und T. Weigold (WEV). Picture: WEV

Opening ceremony of biomass plant in Croebern

After two years of construction time the compost and energy plant (KEA) in Croebern was festive commissioned on 08.07.2022.
The plant handles 42,000 tons of biowaste of the city and county of Leipzig and produces compost and biogas.


Contact details

Herhof GmbH
Kalkgraben 2
35606 Solms – Germany

Fon: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 0
Fax: +49 (0) 6442 - 207 233
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About us

As fossil energy resources become ever scarcer, Herhof technologies present an excellent economic and ecological alternative. We support ecological equilibrium by returning resources to the cycle of nature.